Workplace Wellness Programs Have Little Benefit: Debunking A Myth With Our Own Example

5 min read

There's a persistent belief circulating that workplace wellness programs have little benefit. Critics argue that these initiatives fail to deliver significant improvements in employee health or company performance. 

Written by:
Amina Grcić

There's a persistent belief circulating that workplace wellness programs have little benefit. Critics argue that these initiatives fail to deliver significant improvements in employee health or company performance. 

But is this assumption based on outdated data or a lack of understanding of how wellness programs have evolved? In this article, we’re setting the record straight and showing how our own workplace wellness program disproves the myth. 

At this point, our own employees are the best possible example of how living our vision is what makes the biggest difference. 

Why do people believe that workplace wellness programs have little benefit? 

The claim that workplace wellness programs have little benefit often stems from early studies focused on traditional wellness initiatives. These older programs were typically limited to health screenings, generic advice, or basic perks like discounted gym memberships. 

They lacked personalization and long-term engagement, leading to minimal results, which fueled the myth that wellness programs don't work.

A study by Oxford has found that corporate wellness programs are nothing more than a nice thing to add to a company, but that it’s not something that’s mandatory. 

If you want to read on this topic, you can find it on this link on the New York Times

Nonetheless, we don’t consider seminars and “Yoga Wednesdays” to be a wellness program, but something that’s easy to incorporate into your daily lives without adding too many distractions. 

Workplace wellness programs DO have benefits

Today's workplace wellness programs are a far cry from the simple, one-size-fits-all offerings of the past. 

With advancements in technology, data-driven insights, and a holistic approach to well-being, wellness initiatives have become more personalized, effective, and engaging. Modern programs don’t just focus on physical health but also address mental well-being, stress management, and even social connection.

Our own corporate wellness program illustrates how these modern solutions are driving real results. We leverage AI, personalized health plans, and a range of wellness modules that go far beyond the outdated models that led to the belief that workplace wellness programs have little benefit.

This is how Rolla debunks that myth:

When we introduced our platform - Rolla, we aimed to prove that workplace wellness programs do offer significant benefits—both to employees and the company as a whole. 

1. An intuitive App

In this day and age, everyone has their phone on them the entire time. And without fail, those phones are filled with useless apps that we install and then forget about them.  However, with Rolla One, you can simply have the overview of your health in your pocket. 

Our app allows employees to track their health metrics in real time, from steps to sleep quality and heart rate variability. 

Even incentives like streaks and rewards keep their engagement high, which, proves that a well-designed wellness program can lead to lasting behavioral change. It’s actually wonderful to see just how easy the change can be incorporated, especially when you give out small rewards for people with the best Health Score, or the most Active Points. 

2. Challenges

Challenges create a sense of competition, which can motivate employees to get involved in activities they may not otherwise engage in, like walking more steps or eating healthier.

It’s such a simple difference to make in their daily life, but it’s also quite effective. Once you create challenges, they’ll start and end each day thinking about coming to work and rubbing their success under the noses of their colleagues. With that in mind, others will also start doing the same thing. 

Just take a moment and imagine the impact your company would feel if your employees started challenging each other and themselves in healthy habits rather than toxic behaviors. 

3. A tight community 

Rolla as a platform fosters community, even in a hybrid or remote work environment. The social engagement improves both participation and workplace morale. 

You know how hard it is to have people engage with their team members if they work remote. Which is why it’s so easy to do that with a workplace wellness program that has so many benefits to it. For example, it’s much easier to feel connected to your team when you’re constantly pulling each other to become better and do better. 

Especially, if you’re trying to improve your health.

4. Virtual Events

Keeping in mind that it’s not possible to connect your entire team each time you want to be active, it’s a good thing that Rolla also offers an entire virtual world as an exercising playground. It’s called Rolla World!

Here, you can create a jogging event where all of your employees can participate in even if there’s a snow storm outside, or even during a zombie apocalypse. Either way, they’ll be able to connect and see each other’s avatars in a scenic virtual world. 

How is this a benefit to your company, you may be wondering? Well, imagine your employees spending time in a virtual world together even though they’re not at work. This improves their teamwork and their dedication to each other. They’re also doing their best to improve themselves, even though they’re not within working hours. 

5. No distractions

This may sound like a lot to think about and something that could easily deter your employees from the actual work that they should be doing. But, it’s much different. People believe that workplace wellness programs have little benefit because they’re such a huge distraction to people. 

However, our wearable doesn’t have a screen that’s constantly buzzing with notifications, it’s completely distraction-free. Our Health Module is such a simple thing to use, as you don’t have to use it actively, it’ll simply take all of your health metrics and turn it into actionable data. 

Our Activity module starts your activity tracking in 3 clicks, and even our Diet module has an AI scanner. So, everything is quite simple and easy to use. This is especially useful when you’re so overwhelmed with work that any distraction would turn you into a crazy person. 

Final thoughts

All of this sounds like we’re doing nothing but tooting our own horn, but take a moment to think about all the things that we’ve covered in this article. 

The misconception that workplace wellness programs have little benefit is based on outdated information and poorly executed initiatives. When designed with personalization, engagement, with an easy-to-use platform, wellness programs can have a profound impact on employee well-being and business outcomes.

Rolla is living proof that a modern approach to employee health delivers tangible results. 

So, the next time you hear someone say workplace wellness programs have little benefit, know that it’s not about whether they work—it’s about how they are implemented. Done right, these programs can transform both your workforce and your company culture.

This is more than just a partnership; it’s a commitment to improving lives. Together, we are creating a healthier, happier workplace for everyone.
Goran Čuljak
Brand Manager @ Rolla
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