Here’s How A 30-Day-Challenge Can Impact The Mindset Of Your Employees

Health Advice
5 min read

A 30-Day-Challenge may seem like it doesn't bring actual change, but you’ll change your mind in a month.

Written by:
Amina Grcić

A 30-day challenge may not seem like it can make a huge difference on your colleagues and yourself. However, unless you give it a chance, you may never know what could happen.

Small changes are actually what makes a huge difference in the daily lives of people that you’re surrounded by. Which is why it’s so important to find ways to incorporate something new into your workplace to engage your employees and your colleagues.

Don’t just push this aside, believing that it’s nothing more than another thing that this new generation is trying to shove down your throat.

It’s not something that will only benefit your employees as a way to distract them from their actual work. There’s so much more to this, and we’re here to show you just how a 30-day challenge can change the mindset of your employees.

Improvement of mental health

With the rise of mental health issues, we have to find ways to make life easier for each other. Mental health greatly impacts others, and we need to understand that the productivity within a company is directly related to it.

Wellness programs, especially in the corporate world, have a great impact on people. We’re all aware of how stressful the workplace can be.

For example, in Rolla, we do this with our Health Score challenge. To keep our HRV healthy, we have to make sure that we are stress-free. Also, sleep has a great impact on stress and health, so regular sleep is highly important.

Just by making our health a priority, we understand the importance of our mental health. With that being said, there are many other 30-day-challenges that improve the mental health of your employees.

Just imagine the difference in your company if you decided to introduce a 30-day-challenge of just 30 minutes of meditating.

Improvement of physical health

30-day-challenges may be especially beneficial for people who don’t have enough time to exercise throughout their day.

Physical activity has a direct link to people’s productivity, and it impacts mental health greatly.

For example, if you choose to set up a 30-day-challenge that focuses on having 10 000 steps per day, or a challenge that focuses on gaining above 100 Active Points in Rolla One, it’s going to keep your employees motivated and healthy.

What better way is there to motivate people to stay active, but to turn it into a competition? We have seen just how many people have started moving once they had to win against their colleagues!

A way to promote teamwork

If people believe that the company is interested in their well-being, they’re more likely to become involved in the workplace. This means that they’ll become more involved in the lives of each other, and it’ll greatly impact their teamwork.

Every 30-day-challenge will make your employees talk to each other, and it’ll make them understand each other much better. Especially when we’re talking about a bigger company where people don’t even encounter each other.

Imagine having your employees competing in good habits with each other! They’ll want to compare their results, they’ll talk to each other for motivation.

Especially, if these challenges can be a group activity. For example, if you have a 10K Steps group challenge, then it’ll be easier to do this as a group activity each day, then having a solo activity where your teams won’t interact at all.

Improvement of productivity

It’s such a simple thing to understand: if your employees are more active, they’ll be physically and mentally healthier. However, if a company wellness challenge can promote that, then let’s roll with it.

A simple 30-day-challenge can leave long term effects on an employee when it comes to their productivity, creativity, capabilities, and so much more. They’ll be much more goal-oriented, which simply means that you’ll have an employee that’ll be able to do his job effortlessly.

If you need more proof, then a good article to read would be the research of The American Psychological Association, which has found that 91% of employees are motivated to be more productive if their companies support workplace wellness programs.

Increase in people’s job satisfaction

It’s true that you can’t expect your employees to be productive if they’re not satisfied with their job and workspace.

If you take a moment to think about it, someone’s satisfaction with their job is directly rooted in their fulfillment and the feeling of belonging in their workplace.

To make your employees feel more satisfied with their job, you’ll have to step up your game. You can easily do that by incorporating a 30-day-challenge, especially if they’re health and fitness related, as these challenges will leave them feeling fulfilled on so many levels.

These types of challenges show your employees that you care about their health just as much as you care about their performance at work.

Reduce healthcare costs for employees

Various health-related issues can cost your companies a pretty penny. You know that just as well as we do and you can look back at the previous year and compare just how much money goes into healthcare costs, as people don’t have enough time to take care of their health.

A 30-day-challenge can easily help your employees become much healthier and take much better care of themselves.

By investing in a wellness program, you’re actually making sure that the overall cost of healthcare plans significantly reduces.

Building healthy habits

By now, you’re probably aware that it takes a person 21 days of consistent work to build a new habit. A 30-day-challenge can easily become a gateway into new habits, new routines, and a whole new lifestyle.

So, even though it’s such a simple change in your workplace, a 30-day-challenge can have a huge impact on your employees.

At Rolla, we love to see the way people change throughout working with us, as they exchange health advice and they motivate each other to work better together by challenging themselves.

So, if you need an added push, how about you book a demo with us?

This is more than just a partnership; it’s a commitment to improving lives. Together, we are creating a healthier, happier workplace for everyone.
Goran Čuljak
Brand Manager @ Rolla
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